Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A New Exercise Bike

In these COVID times, working out at your local gym or fitness centre has been primarily downgraded because of social distancing regulations. As a result, purchasing at-home gym equipment has become the new norm as more and more fitness enthusiasts switch to working out from home. If you want to build your own reliable gym at home, then purchasing a new exercise bike is a must-have. It’s great for cardiovascular health, they’re affordable and one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can buy.

If you’re trying to spruce up your at-home gym or workout space, then here is everything you need to know about a conventional exercise bike, and why it’s necessary for every gym.


Space and measurements

Some models are more extensive and sturdier than others, so you must have enough space for the machine. Make sure you know exactly where the new machine is going and that its specifications/measurements line up adequately. Remember, you need safety space surrounding the machine, so you can safely hop on and off the machine without injuring yourself.


Warranties are essential

If you want a premium exercise bike, then you’ll want a machine that comes with a great warranty. This is because these machines are prone to wear and tear over time (especially with greater use) and being able to replace defective parts without charge will save you a lot of money in the long-term. However, it’s probably not worth investing in a much longer warranty, since you probably can’t justify that price.


Accessible, understandable display and controls

If you are new to working out at home, then you’ll want an exercise bike with simple, straightforward controls. A great machine will show you all your vitals, such as your heart rate, how many calories you have burned, your speed, time, distance traveled, and resistance levels.


Age adjustable programming

Another thing to consider is the quality of the machine’s internal programming. You want a machine that has pre-set routines designed for specific levels, ages, weights, and genders.


Easy to change the resistance level

An exercise bike with a lot of complicated buttons on its dashboard is probably one you don’t want, especially if you’re a little more casual and laidback with how you train. Machines with different workout levels, which you can change and modify as you get fitter and fitter, are the best machines to have.


Why should you get one?

man trying his exercise bike

There are many excellent, obvious reasons why you should get an exercise bike for your home workouts. Check out some of the amazing benefits below:

Weight loss that is easier and convenient

Let’s face it; losing weight isn’t easy in general. However, an exercise bike is one of the best and most practical ways of achieving this. Cycling is a highly effective form of weight loss training since cycling for roughly 30 minutes of the day can see you burn up to 500 calories per session.

Improved cardiovascular health

Cycling has also been positively correlated with improved heart health. This is because using the machine every day increases the supply of oxygen to your blood, which will help with your energy levels, metabolism, and blood pressure.

Increase your muscle toning

Finally, using an exercise bike daily will increase your muscle tone and strength, predominantly in your legs. This is because the primary muscle groups used when training on the machine are your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. However, cycling can also help with tightening your hip flexors and lower core. Combine your cycling routine with a simple core routine to keep your stomach firm during extended periods of lockdown!


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